Meet Doug & Sissy

Imagine having a heart that feels fully prepared to build a strong marriage, grow ever closer to your spouse, and look at your future as a couple with confidence. Our passion is to help you get there.

Doug and Sissy Pitcher sitting on a bench outside smiling at each other to represent a healthy marriage.
Doug and Sissy Pitcher on the street outside laughing and smiling at each other.
Doug and Sissy Pitcher walking outside with arms linked looking at each other and smiling.
Doug smiling and dipping his wife, Sissy, outside on the street to represent a happy and healthy marriage.

Having both experienced the pain of divorce, we refused to let it happen again.

We are Doug and Sissy Pitcher, and we started Heart Builder Ministries to help others discover a God-designed marriage. Our previous marriages were filled with bitterness, secrecy, and me-focused attitudes. Determined not to repeat our unhealthy marriage habits, we made a change. We started focusing on God, and not ourselves.

It takes courage to build an intimate and healthy marriage, but it’s worth it. Trust us, we know how to do it the wrong way, and by God’s grace, have surrendered to learn God’s way! Whether you’re engaged, married, or re-married, we can help you unlock proven biblical strategies and make your marriage everything God intended too.

Cursive writing that says Praise from our couples with an arrow pointing to testimonies for marriage coaching.
  • "We did SYMBIS as our premarital counseling and it was great for us to learn each other and understand more on how to take a Bible-based approach to conflicts in marriage. We are so blessed by Doug & Sissy and their wise, godly guidance!"

    — Vinit & Marian

  • “Doug & Sissy are wonderful people who share God’s plan and intention of marriage and tools that will help set a great foundation. We feel so much more prepared and excited to get married even after having the hard and uncomfortable conversations that they brought to light for us.”

    —Dameron & Kiana

  • "We have been dating for almost 8 years and thought we had things pretty much figured out, but we learned SO much from our time spent with Doug and Sissy!! I would highly recommend this course for anyone because you will leave with more appreciation, understanding, and love for your partner!"

    — Shawn & Mallory

A laptop on a couch next to a plant for marriage coaching.

We help build intimate and healthy relationships.

We’re passionate about marriage and offer many coaching opportunities if you’re ready to grow as a couple or individual. Not sure where to begin? Reach out for a free consultation.

  • Unlock your relationship's full potential with our SYMBIS marriage assessment, offering a personalized road map, a 15-page detailed report, and a 1.5 to 2-hour video guide covering every aspect of your unique dynamics, from finances to your deepest longings.

  • Starting with the insightful SYMBIS marriage assessment, you'll receive a personalized road map and four 2-hour coaching sessions to build a strong, Christ-centered relationship, making it a wedding gift that impacts your lives forever.

  • Join our dynamic Couples Group Events, available in person and online, to strengthen your relationship through interactive sessions on communication, conflict resolution, and more.

  • Empowering women to embrace their full potential and navigate life's challenges through personalized life coaching sessions with Sissy.

Our Coaching Credentials

Trained SYMBIS Facilitators
Marriage on the Rock Certified
Gottman Leaders in the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
Marriage Mentors through Marriage Mentoring Academy with Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott

Marriage Coaching at Premiere Certification Academy with Dr. Dharius Daniels
Life Coaching at the Institue for Life Coach Training (Sissy)
Licensed Ministers

The Not Just Another Marriage book by Doug and Sissy Pitcher sitting on a table next to two white pots with green and yellow plants.

A book from our hearts to strengthen your marriage.

Whether you’re engaged or have been married for years, this book is for you if you want more than “just a marriage.” We share our past pains and failures to help couples create lasting and fulfilling relationships. Using God's design, you'll learn seven simple tools and resources to thrive in your marriage and EXPLODE your relationship (in a good way, of course!).

We Believe:

God and Man

We believe in one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who created man in His image to glorify Him. Yet, humanity often chooses self-glorification and worship of creation over the Creator. Due to this rebellion and sin, humans are separated from God and deserve His punishment.

Jesus Christ

For His glory and love for His children, God initiated a redemption plan, fully accomplished through Jesus Christ. Jesus, fully God and fully man, died on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for sin, rose from the dead, demonstrating victory over sin and death. Through God's grace, we respond with repentance and faith.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit opens blind eyes, draws believers to salvation, dwells in their hearts for sanctification, and seals them for eternity. He empowers God's children for obedience, service, and witness.

The Bible

We believe the Bible is divine revelation, inspired by God, without error, and carrying His full authority, to which we submit.

Traditional, Biblical Marriage

We believe marriage, a God-made institution, serves mankind's flourishing and God's glory. The Bible defines it as a covenant, an exclusive union between one man and one woman and God.